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The Watchtower Jehovahs Witnesses Publications

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  1. An Aspect of the Legalism of Jehovah's Witnesses The Evolution of 606 to 607 B.C.E. In Watchtower Chronology The Change of 606 to 607 B.C. As the Start of the 'Gentile Times'.
  2. The origins of the Jehovah's Witnesses go back to 1879, when a Pittsburgh businessman named Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916) began publishing the magazine Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence. Two years later he founded Zion's Watch Tower and Tract Society, which was incorpo-rated in 1884 in Pennsylvania. Within ten years, a.
  3. The individual who the Witness was before will soon be replaced with what the Watchtower Society will conform him to be: one of Jehovah's Witnesses; not as an individual free to express his individuality, but as one of the Witnesses of Jehovah – a member of controlled thought void of personal expression.

I observed something interesting the other day.

David Reed is a former Jehovah's Witness, which is also the author of books such as: Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse,Answering Jehovah's Witnesses: Subject by Subject,How to Rescue Your Loved One from the Watchtower,Behind the Watchtower Curtain,Left Behind Answered Verse by Verse, etc.

I stopped by my favorite burger restaurant for lunch and sat down at a table. I didn't realize it but a full-blown Watchtower 'home Bible study' was going on in the booth right behind me.

The 'student' was a special needs man and the 'conductor' looked like he had just gotten out of a halfway house. He was dressed in a tee shirt and sweat-pants and sported a three-day stubble.

Apparently, the standards of decorum have radically changed since I was attending. Where are the dress shirt, tie, and coat? Appdelete 4 2.

I saw the telltale publications and heard the all too frequent use of 'Jehovah' in the conversation. The special needs man was barely literate and was having a very difficult time reading the publication out loud. However, the conductor was quite patient and even exhorted the young man about how 'heartwarming' it was to hear his answers, even though he read them straight off the page. That really brought me back when I heard the study conductor's well-rehearsed tonality and the use of the special phrases that were taught to me when I was in the Kingdom Ministry School.

The Watchtower Jehovahs Witnesses Publications

Since I've gotten some 'distance' between myself and the organization over the past several decades, I look at this bunch of charlatans, not as a threat to me, nor a point of exasperation but sad. Just plain sad.

They target and victimize the weak, the uneducated, the disenfranchised and for what? So they can 'sell' their precious Watchtowers and inflict a bunch of man-made rules and guilt-trips on an unknowing public.

I thought about saying something and then I thought 'Perhaps this is the young man's only shot at a sense of self-worth and community. Maybe this is his one chance to actually learn to read, write and speak without stuttering or tripping over his words.' Who was I to take that away from him? I shrugged off the thought as I topped off my Diet Dr. Pepper.


Since I've gotten some 'distance' between myself and the organization over the past several decades, I look at this bunch of charlatans, not as a threat to me, nor a point of exasperation but sad. Just plain sad.

They target and victimize the weak, the uneducated, the disenfranchised and for what? So they can 'sell' their precious Watchtowers and inflict a bunch of man-made rules and guilt-trips on an unknowing public.

I thought about saying something and then I thought 'Perhaps this is the young man's only shot at a sense of self-worth and community. Maybe this is his one chance to actually learn to read, write and speak without stuttering or tripping over his words.' Who was I to take that away from him? I shrugged off the thought as I topped off my Diet Dr. Pepper.

As I crawled into my pickup to leave, my cell phone rang. The call was a recorded message claiming to be the IRS and it told me that they were going to send the cops to my house if I didn't call them back and straighten out some ridiculous amount of money that I owed. That call was quite a good metaphor for what is being done to millions of unsuspecting followers of the Watchtower leadership. They're listening to people who don't know what they're talking about but are very good at instilling fear and guilt in their audience. Enough fear and guilt to force their listeners into a lifetime of slavery and obedience to a litany of rules and regulations that limit their happiness and their ability to think for themselves.

The Kingdom Interlinear Translation Of The Greek Scriptures(1969, Revised 1985)

I guess there are always going to be 'wolves in sheep's clothing' and I guess there are always going to be 'sheep'.

I think it was P.T. Barnum who said it best: 'There's a sucker born every minute.' He was absolutely right.

Doug Shields

New World Translation Of The Christian Greek Scriptures(1950, (1951; Revised Edition, May 1, 1951)

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Jehovah Witness Old Books

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